About Draw Your Weapon

Welcome to the Draw Your Weapon blog. Video games, movies, trading card games, comics… these are the things that inspire myself and so many others to draw. Perhaps it is the same for you, and sometimes more important to us than experiencing the final product, is seeing the art that made it happen.

Perhaps you are just an appreciator of this kind of art, or maybe you are a young artist hoping to work in the entertainment industry designing creatures and worlds, fantastical hairstyles and mighty weapons, or writing visual stories. Whatever your specific interest is, I hope to share with you what inspires me to create, and the info you might need to pursue that interest.

Draw Your Weapon recognizes the immense value of artists, and the impact they have on the world through their work, bringing ideas to life, helping us to imagine new worlds, weave intricate stories, and connect with people like us. To me, they are heroes: wizards of creativity, and this site intends to celebrate them.

Ryan Allan – Artist and keyboard monkey behind DrawYourWeapon

What you’ll find here


I’ll be showcasing some of the art and artists behind various games, movies, trading card games etc.


There are a range of tools available for making both traditional and digital art. I’ll be showing some of the hardware and software available, and do a review here and there.


There are plenty of ways to learn the skills necessary to work in the entertainment industry. I’ll be sharing some of the different online schools, mentorships and tutorials out there to help you on your path.

There are a few affiliate links scattered around the site. This won’t have any impact on you or any purchases you make through them. It does, however, help me in a big way to continue creating content here for you on Draw Your Weapon. I have an exciting vision for what I’d like this site to become, so those commissions will be helpful towards realizing that vision.