You might think you landed here by choice, but no; you have been chosen.
We’ve been watching you. We’ve seen your eyes widen at glimpses of other worlds that that warlocks of pencils and paint have shown you under the guise of games, of entertainment. HA! It is so much more than that.
This world, your world, begs to be transformed, but some would rather it didn’t. Some would have you merely consume rather than create, to limit what you and this world could be. And we see that this does not sit well with you. We see you ready for the battle that lies ahead.
Should you choose to join us, we will offer you inspiration on your journey, showing you the works of other creative warriors, past and present; knowledge of the tools you may need to craft your world, to tell your tales; and introduce you to some of the weapons best suited to slashing through the boredom and bland repetition that your foes would have you succumb to.