Inktober is here again and the official 2021 prompt list is out! Time to ready your pens and grab a fresh sketchbook. Take the month of October to level up and join thousands of others around the world doing the same.

What is Inktober anyway?
The idea is simple. 31 days, 31 ink drawings through the month of October. OR you can go the with Inktober52 and do one prompt per week. It was started by illustrator, Jake Parker, as a way for him to challenge himself using a new a brush pen. The use of a single tool and consistent daily practice, with a clear objective and time limit, is a great way to approach learning. It can be touch though, when there are other family or work obligations, especially if you draw quite slowly like I do.
If you are wondering how to approach it, here’s a nice little video with Jake Parker himself explaining.
Prepare for Inktober 2021 with courses and tutorials…

SVSLearn just released their Inktober Bootcamp, a 5-day intensive course that will help get you prepared for the month of ink drawing. Each day has about 30 minutes of instruction and 20 mins exercise. The first one covers building a plan for Inktober 2021, reviewing materials, line width and weight, and preparing for the challenges along the way.

“Jake Parker has been inking for most of his drawing career. From comics to concept art, mastering the pen is essential for all artists. From his own studies and experience, insight from peers and mentors, and material from the best books on the subject he boils everything he’s learned about the art form into one class.” From How To Ink in
You can get 30 days free when you sign up as well.
There are a couple of smaller inking tutorials over on the Inktober website.
Don’t pressure yourself
While this is a challenge and you have to decide to show up for it, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Sometimes work is hectic. Sometimes you’re just not in a good head-space. When you start falling behind, it’s easy to feel like a bit of a failure. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself though. Do try to show up every day, but if you can’t manage a drawing today, don’t add it onto the next day. It is OK to miss a drawing. And not every drawing needs to successful. If you are too anxious about the idea of having to post a drawing every day on social media, then don’t. It’s a personal challenge. It’s just you and your sketchbook.
That being said though, it can be really rewarding to push through each day and share. Sharing online adds an element of accountability. Or maybe just sharing with a a couple of friends who are doing the challenge with you.
Some Inktober art to inspire you
If you are feeling ambitious, check this out. Something like this turns a challenge like Inktober into an actual project, so you could use the challenge to also action an idea you’ve been sitting on.
Meagan Cheshire Nate Russell Chen Naje Mike Koubou
If you want to find out more about Inktober 2021, get your hands on some merch, or read up on the rules, then head on over to the Inktober website. Also be sure to follow the Instagram page for updates and more inspiration.
If you want to get your hands on some ink-type art for your walls. check out our last First Friday Five post.