If I think back, the one film that really stood out during my youth was The Matrix. I still watch it every couple of years and am never bored by it. There are mixed feelings about the trilogy as a whole, but there is not doubt that, from an artistic point of view, there are some pretty cool things to look at. This gallery of art of The Matrix movies features work by Geoff Darrow, George Hull, Steve Burg & Jim Martin.
Art Of The Matrix movies:

Enjoying this sort of thing? Then you might dig to see the art behind point-and-click adventure game, Machinarium.
In The Tunnels…
Sentinel concept…
Battle in Zion

The Fields

Looking for more?

Something else that might be cool to delve into is The Matrix Comics. It features 28 comics from the world of The Matrix that were originally released on the movie website.
If you loved the movies and inspired by the art of The Matrix, you might want to find yourself a copy of this book. It has the concept art for the trilogy, storyboards and artist commentary.
If you wan’t more inspiration from movies and games, head on over to our ART section.
If you are inspired by this to go draw some machines and wondering how to approach painting metal, check out this post with some tutorials on that.
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